31 January 2012

When ignorance is not a bliss

So I don't usually blog about politics/over sensitive issues. There's certainly a first in everything.

Giving 'white packets' for new year? I mean, how ignorant can you get? Putting white decoration for a CNY event? I know the modern Chinese is not that auspicious, but not to that extent, right?

He wasn't "aware" of the customs? The apology doesn't even sound like one, just blaming his Chinese "friends" for not informing him of the issue.

Saw a few friends posted on FB/twitter actually supporting him, saying that its not entirely his fault as he doesn't know about it. He's giving money out and he's now to be blamed and so on.

I don't know how did they come about that thinking, but we are after all living in this so called, self boasting to be "multi-cultural" country and that little basic understanding over "sensitive" cultural issues should be expected of every single Malaysian.

1 Malaysia you say? Certainly self-evident in our leadership by example this Chinese New Year.

Happy CNY guys :)